12 Days, 12 Artists, 12 Artworks
In the spirit of Christmas and in the tradition of the Advent calendar, we invite you to view twelve works by twelve artists over twelve days.
From Tuesday 29 November, we will be featuring one significant new work from an artist at 12pm (AEST).
Each artwork will be revealed at 12pm (AEST) every consecutive day of the campaign leading up to Christmas.
You can view the artwork via email, Facebook or Instagram and all works will be available to purchase.
All images will be concealed until the day of reveal!
Featured artists are Jason Benjamin, Lucy Culliton, Julia deVille, Adam Lester, Fiona Lowry, Guy Maestri, Michael Muir, John Nicholson, Monica Rohan, Martin Smith, Alexandra Standen and Marina Strocchi.
Please contact the gallery on 07 3254 1855 or enquiries@janmurphygallery.com.au for further information.